The Google Resume读书笔记

作者: shisaq 日期: February 12, 2018

摘自The Google Resume,自己翻译。

Make an Impact 缔造真正的影响力

A good employee does everything that’s assigned to them; a great employee asks for more. Perhaps the best thing you can do to get a great next job is to do a great job in your current one: 一个合格的员工会完成所有分配给他的任务;一个优秀的员工会做得更多。可以这么说,得到一份更好的工作的前提,是把当前这份工作做到极致:

  • Think broadly. If you’re in an engineering role at a webbased company, is there additional debug information you can log? You probably (or hopefully) work with testers; how can you make their lives easier? The more people that you impact, the better your peer reviews will be and the more the company will value you. 发散思维。若你在一个服务于线上的公司做开发者,你能记录到更多更有用的调试信息吗?你可能跟测试一起工作,那么你如何能帮他们更轻松地完成任务?影响的人越多,同行越会高看你,公司也越能重视你。

  • Be really, really good at what you do. This doesn’t mean that you have to double your time at work. Perhaps it’s merely a matter of shutting off other distractions, or perhaps it’s a matter of being extra careful. 把你的本职工作做到极致。这句话不是说要你变成一个工作狂;这仅仅是提示你要对工作心无旁骛或一丝不苟。

  • Solicit feedback proactively. Don’t wait until your midyear review to solicit feedback. At that point, your manager may be so overwhelmed that she writes your feedback hastily, at best. Asking for feedback early and frequently will demonstrate maturity, while also ensuring that you are able to quickly correct any issues. 主动谋求反馈。别等到年中小结时才去征求反馈。那时,你的领导可能会因为太难而把对你的反馈匆匆了事。越早、越经常地获取反馈,能帮你把工作做得更加完备,也能确保你能及时纠正方向。

  • Learn about other teams. Understanding the broader context of the company’s roles will be useful when you want a more senior position; for example, if you’re a developer, learn about what program managers do. If you’re in sales, learn about marketing. Even a little bit of exposure will help you a lot. It’ll show you to what other roles are doing and how they all fit together. 向其他团队学习。尝试更深地理解公司文化和大背景,有助于你向更资深的岗位迈进;比如,如果你是个开发者,可以向项目经理学习。如果你是个销售,可以学习市场营销(经理)。哪怕离开舒适区一步,也将对你裨益颇深。这能使你更深刻地了解其他岗位的工作内容,以及各个岗位是如何协作的。


在Google Career里仔细找了找北京的工作,大部分工作都是在校生实习和3-5年工作经验的资深工程师。只有一个需要1年工作经验,Android/iOS开发工程师,适合未来的我申请。

Minimum qualifications:

  • BA/BS degree in Computer Science or related technical field or equivalent practical experience.
  • 1 year relevant work experience.
  • Programming experience in Java, Objective-C, or C++.
  • Experience in mobile application development.



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