JavaScript Notes

作者: shisaq 日期: June 15, 2016

I learned JavaScript Basics in Udacity. This is the link: JavaScript Basics.

What I’ve learned

  1. console.log(); //Let interpreter(Chrome dev tools) print out the content. 让解释器打印出括号里面的内容。

  2. var variableName = 'variableValue'; // define a variable and put a value to it. We can also just declare a variable without giving a value to it. 定义一个变量,并指定该变量的值。当然也可以只声明该变量不赋值。

  3. [string].replace([old], [new]); // return the changed value. See MDN link: [String.prototype.replace()](返回修改后的数值。最好定义一个变量接收该值。

  4. str.slice(beginSlice[, endSlice]); // extracts a section of a string and returns a new string. see MDN link: [String.prototype.slice()]( 取出字符串里的一部分,并返回这个取出来的字符串。中括号内可选,如果没输入中括号内的值,则一直取到字符串末尾。不能用在数组里。

  5. str.toUpperCase(); // returns the calling string value converted to uppercase. See MDN link: [String.prototype.toUpperCase()]( 返回该字符串的大写值。str.toLowerCase()返回小写。同理。

  6. Array: a group of objects. The items can be string, number, array, or function.

  7. str.length; // return the length of the string or array. 后面没有括号。

  8. arr.pop(); // removes the **last** element from an array and returns that element. See link: [Array.prototype.pop()]( 剔除数组的最后一个元素并将该元素返回。括号中不能加参数。

  9. arr.push(); // adds one or more elements to the end of an array and returns the new length of the array. See link: [Array.prototype.push()]( 把括号里面的元素加到数组最后,并返回该数组的长度。

  10. str.split([separator[, limit]]); // splits a [String]( object into an array of strings by separating the string into substrings. See link: [String.prototype.split()]( 把一个字符串按指定的分隔符分隔成一个数组。中括号里面的limit是可选内容。如果不写,则将整个字符串按分隔符操作一遍;如果写3,则仅返回前3个元素。

  11. str.trim(); //removes whitespace from both ends of a string. Whitespace in this context is all the whitespace characters (space, tab, no-break space, etc.) and all the line terminator characters (LF, CR, etc.). See link: [String.prototype.trim()]( 去掉字符串最前和最后的空格。常和str.split()一起用,以此防止生成的数组中,数组头和数组尾含有空元素。举例说明: var str = " Today is Tuesday! "; var strArr1 = str.split(" "); console.log(strArr1); //  ["", "Today", "is", "Tuesday!", ""] var strArr2 = str.trim().split(" "); console.log(strArr2); // ["Today", "is", "Tuesday!"]

  12. str = arr.join([separator = ',']); // joins all elements of an array into a string. See link: [Array.prototype.join()](把数组中所有元素合并成一个字符串,并返回该字符串。方括号中是可选。如果加了内容,则每两个数组之间会加此内容。通常会加逗号或者空格。

  13. var objName = { "name": "shisaq", "age": 32 }; // This is an object. A object is capable to  contain string, number, and array. It's like an array. But actually, array is a special object. Because an array just has a list from 0 to the length, but an object can define every value's name. 数组是一种特殊的对象。数组只是一个有序列表,而对象可以给任何值定义任何名字。

  14. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation. JavaScript对象标识法。跟上面举出的例子一样,JavaScript对象怎么写,JSON就怎么写。主要用来存取数据。注意最后一行末尾不要加逗号(,)。

  15. if Statements.

  16. === is safer than ==

  17. for in loops: Use forEach or for to iterate over arrays like:

<code>countries = ['Argentina', 'China', 'England'];</code>

Use for-in to loop over objects like

<code>countries = {'country1':'Argentina', 'country2':'China','country3':'England'};</code>

being careful to wrap the content of the for-in in a conditional statement that tests if the key is part of the object:

<code>myObj = {'country1':'Germany', 'country2':'Argentina'};
for (key in myObj){
    if (myObj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {

For more information, please refer to the loop section of the Udacity Front End Style Guide.