What I've learnt in "Learning how to learn" -- "学习如何学习"学后感

作者: shisaq 日期: April 25, 2016
In the beginning, when the Chinese Udacity came out, I was thinking to get the 1-month-free-trial of Nanodegree in Udacity. But after the orientation, making profile and resume, submitting the purpose, I received the feedback of Udacity work group, which included a tool called Pomodoro, a course called Learning how to learn, I decided to learn these two stuffs!

I finished them in 3 days. Here are my feelings:

  1. Pomodoro is efficient so I decide to keep using it in future;

  2. Our brain has 2 modes: Focus mode and Diffuse mode;

  3. Focus mode (seems like the early 25 minutes in Pomodoro) can make me quickly go into working status, concentrating in digging and solving problems; Pay attention to process instead of product, otherwise the Procrastination will come to disturb me;

  4. Diffuse mode (seems like the last 5 minutes in Pomodoro) can make my brain have a break, and switch to back stage to sort out the concepts I’ve learnt (though I couldn’t realize it), it feels like a kind of breath as well as a prize. This is the prize I deserve to have after the 25 minute’s focusing, so there will be no guilt.

  5. Sleeping is a process that brain can self-upgrading, I should make sure enough sleeping time, what’s more, actually, the brain still solving datas when sleeping;

  6. According to the feature above, I need make a to-do-list for the upcoming day right before I sleep, in case the brain itself will pay enough attention on the list;

  7. The brain is easy to cheat itself, especially after having finished a mission. The brain feels it did very well, the achievement always make myself satisfied. But if I could review what I’ve done, I may check out some mistakes many times; So, be aware of reviewing.

  8. Regarding to reviewing, it’s a disadvantage of me. By the way I had wrote an article related reviewing (click here). Maybe it’s because of my perfectionism. But, what I should know, it is because the mistakes I made, that could make me aim to the real perfectionism. Mistakes are friends, teachers, please do not miss them. They are the most valuable resource during the learning process;

  9. The brain could also cheat itself in another way: If I finished reading a paragraph, I may think I have known what it means; But actually only when I copy it, recite it, putting it into the background of the brain for a long time, will I feel the real meaning of the paragraph;

  10. Don’t be in a hurry when learning, which will make you lack of efficient. Understanding is the most important of the important. When I’m learning a new word, I’d better make different ways of connection as many as possible, then keep practicing, then I can keep it in mind better; If just simply recite the Chinese implication, I would never use the word well;

  11. There has another learning method that repeat what I’ve learnt to other people. During this process, I may find the concept I think I’ve already handled, may not smoothly come out when I’m trying to speak it out;

  12. By arousing from the tip above, cooperation in a serious study group is another method to learn efficient and deeply. Other member can help me finding my mistakes, or giving useful suggestions in a brand new vision;

  13. Honestly, I don’t like communication, but this course helped me willing to discuss with others, instead of fighting alone when I’m learning. I have to admit that it’s a kind of learning when discussing itself.

  14. My language system can get exercise when cooperating with others, which may have created a new connection of the learning object as well, thus makes me handle the knowledge better;

  15. All the people belong to a same sort – Humankind. That means the structure of the brain is almost the same. So the problems we meet may be similar during the lifetime. For example, most students feel not confident when the teacher ask a question. If I can figure it out (everyone is similar), try to answer the question, I will get giant new information that only can be felt by myself;

  16. Sports is helpful to our brain, it can promote making more neurons related on memory. So I strongly recommend myself to take more sports during the daily life as well as the diffuse mode;

  17. Even there’re are some field I’m not good at, I will also get big achievement as long as I keep learning by collecting the amount of little achievement. Here I wanna say a Chinese proverb: I look for her in vain. When all at once I turn my head, I find her there where lantern light is dimly shed;

  18. The reason that occurred the Procrastination: facing a thing that is not easily accomplished, my brain will stay in an uncomfortable emotion, in this case, it tends to get something happy from the storage: browsing webpages, playing dota, etc. The happy things are so easy to get that I don’t need pay any energy. If I want to defeat Procrastination, I’d better meet the following points: 1, split the hard things into pieces to make it easier; 2, give myself prize after finishing the easy things that been split by the hard things. I MUST know that the real prize is the deeper achievement after I have tried my best efforts on the hard mission and finished it, and made me wiser. It seems like I complete the whole missions after killing all of the bosses in a game;

  19. Something I want to add about Procrastination: A thing which is hard to do, is just because the result is hard to get. If I always keep fixating on that in my mind, I will make my brain feel shit. If I can just focus on the process instead of the product, I may make the things easier to do and keep going the process. Anyway, I just aim to keep focus in 25 minutes, not the difficult project;

  20. It’s a key point above. I need find the key points as many as I can in life, then exclude the disturbing things and keep exercise depending on the outside and inside environment;

  21. In a word, I have learned the “Brain Instruction”. To better live with myself, 1, do not cheated by my brain; 2, do real learning instead of struggling against the emotion; 3, make brain satisfied; 4, keep insisting.

Those are my feeling. Here are some notes below:

The Key To Defeat Procrastination
  1. Keep a planer journal;

  2. Commit yourself to certain routines and tasks each day;

  3. Delay rewards until you finish the task;

  4. Watch for Procrastination cues;

  5. Gain trust in your new system;

  6. Have backup plans for when you still Procrastinate;

  7. Eat your frogs first.

The Checklist To Pass The Exam
  1. Did you make a serious effort to understand the text?

  2. Did you work with classmates on homework problems?

  3. Did you attempt to outline every homework problem solution?

  4. Did you participate actively in homework group discussions?

  5. Did you consult with the instructor?

  6. Did you understand ALL of your homework problem solutions?

  7. Did you ask in class for explanations of homework problem solutions that weren’t clear to you?

  8. A study guide?

  9. Did you attempt to outline lots of problem solutions quickly?

  10. Did you go over the study guide and problems with classmates and quiz one another?

  11. A review session?

  12. Did you get reasonable night’s sleep before the test?

Related Softwares And Courses
  1. Learning how to learn

  2. Udacity

  3. Pomodoro

  4. Anki


本来趁着Udacity中文网推出的[一个月免费试学Nanodegree]的项目,想试试Front-end Nanodegree的,但是做完入门培训、制作简历明确目标并提交之后,收到了Udacity工作组贴心的反馈,其中包含了Pomodoro番茄工作法和Learning how to learn的Coursera的公开课程。心想磨刀不误砍柴工,干脆认真点,按这个建议把以上2个东西学了吧!


  1. 番茄工作法果然非常奏效,打算一直使用下去;

  2. 对自己的大脑有了更多的了解,大脑有两种模式:专注模式和发散模式;

  3. 专注模式(类似番茄工作法的前25分钟)使自己快速、全心投入工作状态,集中注意研究、解决问题;把注意力放在过程而不是结果上,否则很容易出现拖延症;

  4. 发散模式(类似番茄工作法的后5分钟)使自己大脑放松休息,并切换到后台整理之前的研究内容(虽然自己意识不到),像是一种呼吸,劳逸结合,而且更重要的是,这是一个奖励。这是全心投入的25分钟应得的奖励,不会有任何负罪感;

  5. 睡觉也是大脑自我升级的过程,每天要保证睡眠,同时睡觉的时候大脑其实仍然在处理数据;

  6. 根据这个特性,我需要睡觉前把第二天的计划列在小本本上,以便大脑后台处理的时候引起重视;

  7. 大脑很容易欺骗自己,特别是在自己完成一件任务之后, 大脑认为自己做得很好,满足感和成就感往往会让自己飘飘欲仙从而眼高手低。但是如果真的能复习一下,我们可能会发现一些错误。所以不要被大脑的错觉欺骗,要勇于复习,勇于检查;

  8. 说到检查,其实也是我的一个弱项。我前几天还写过一片关于“反复学习”的心得(网址)。这可能是我的完美主义作祟。但是正是检查出来的那些错误,才能让自己真正向完美迈进。错误是朋友,是老师,不要回避它们。它们是学习过程中最宝贵的资源;

  9. 大脑还会在另一个方面欺骗自己:如果我读完了一段话,可能我自己会觉得已经懂了;但是其实当我抄下来、或者背出来,并交给大脑后台处理一段时间之后,某天自己可能才真正有更上一层楼的感觉;

  10. 学习的时候不要急躁。急躁的时候事倍功半。理解比什么都重要。比如学单词,一定要从各个角度创建不同的联系,并多加练习,自己才能记得牢固;如果单纯重复中文和英文的意思,它可能永远也不能变成自己仓库中信手拈来的武器;

  11. 向他人复述自己学到的东西也是自己深入学习的过程。在这个过程中,自己可能会发现,本以为自己理解的东西,其实在想要表达的时候,发现自己不理解,或者理解错误;

  12. 基于上一条的启发,在一个严肃的学习小组中与成员通力合作,也是高效、深入学习的良好途径。其他成员往往能从一个全新的角度出发找到自己的纰漏,或给出极有价值的建议;

  13. 自己本身认为是一个不善言谈的家伙,但是这门课程让我有多参与学习过程中的互动,而不是孤军奋战的意愿。毕竟,参与学习过程中的互动本身也是一种学习;

  14. 其实在合作的过程中,自己的语言中枢也受到了锻炼,可能也和学习对象创建了一个新的联系,这样才让自己掌握得更好;

  15. 大家其实都是人类,大脑结构也大致相同;我们在成长过程中要克服的困难也都相似。比如在课堂上,面对老师提出的问题,很多人都会感到不够自信;如果能认清这点(大家都一样),并克服羞耻感尝试回答,自己学到的东西会有指数级增长;

  16. 体育运动对大脑的很有帮助,会促进与记忆相关的神经元的再生,建议自己在发散模式或日常生活中,多运动;

  17. 即使是自己不擅长的领域,只要自己能坚持学习、科学学习,在不断获得小小成就感的同时,也能得到很大成就。套用一句诗:众里寻她千百度,蓦然回首,那人却在,灯火阑珊处;

  18. 拖延症的成因:面对一件比较困难的事情,大脑产生了抵抗情绪,从而倾向从仓库中找乐子:刷网页、看游戏等。这些乐子都是手到擒来的奖励。所以想要战胜拖延症,要满足2点:1,把困难的事情分解开,变简单;2,在做完简单的事情后,给自己奖励。要知道,真正的奖励是自己会变得更睿智博学,这种成就感会在一段时间后油然而生。就好像打电子游戏过了一关又一关最终打败Boss顺利通关一样。

  19. 拖延症成因补充:一件事情之所以困难,是因为自己难以达到事情做完后的结果。如果过于关注结果与现实之间的差距,就会让大脑有挫败感。如果我们只关注25分钟的过程而非结果,那就能降低事情的难度,同时推进事情的进度。毕竟我们现在的任务只是集中注意力25分钟,而不是一个困难的项目。

  20. 以上是一个关键点。我们需要找出生活中拖延症出现的关键点,然后尽量从环境、自身等因素出发,排除干扰,潜心修炼;

  21. 总之,我学到的是[大脑使用说明书]。想要与自己更好地相处,1,别被大脑欺骗;2,真正学习而不是和情绪对抗;3,满足大脑;4,坚持下去。


  1. 坚持写计划日志;

  2. 每天定日常任务,提前一晚制定任务,让目标渗入大脑;

  3. 把奖励留在后面;

  4. 留意诱发拖延的信号;

  5. 信赖新的体系;

  6. 制定备用计划以对抗拖延;

  7. 先处理困难的工作。

  1. 你是否认真努力地去理解过课文?

  2. 你是否跟同学讨论过作业中的问题?

  3. 你是否尝试过和同学讨论之前,先列出每道作业的解题大纲?

  4. 你是否积极参与作业小组中的讨论,贡献自己的观点,并提出问题?

  5. 在你遇到问题时,是否会咨询讲师或助教?

  6. 在你交作业时,是否弄清了所有问题的答案?

  7. 对作业中不明白的问题,你是否在课上提出疑问寻求解答?

  8. 如果你有辅导书,你是否在考试前已经认真通读它,并相信已经弄明白书上的所有问题?

  9. 你是否尝试过直接快速地写出一些问题的解题思路?

  10. 你是否和同学一起复习过辅导书上的内容和其他问题,并互相提问?

  11. 如果考前有复习课,你是否参加过,并对自己不确定的部分提出疑问?

  12. 考前睡眠安排是否合理?

  1. Learning how to learn

  2. Udacity

  3. Pomodoro

  4. Anki